Finding a good trainer is like finding a needle in the haystack. At least, this is what numerous people managers have told me over the years. No wonder that 92% of my first 127 corporate clients came through my direct network or third-party recommendations. And so many times, I myself was asked to give recommendations for other trainers. This is why I put together this selection of aces of growth.
We all are mercenaries with a soul. Most of the time we work alone, sometimes we come together in multiple coach formats like at IESE Business School or Spectacular Speaking. We have been collaborating all across Europe for more than a decade. Above all, we are friends.
Drop me a note and I hook you up with my buddies.

Conor is not only a serial entrepreneur, a professor at IESE Business School, the president of Vistage Spain, and a great dad. Conor is also my future best man. Since 2010 we’ve been exploring the universe of rhetoric together. As a YouTuber on leadership, Conor has gained global recognition. As a top leadership coach, Conor has a tremendously trained talent: He turns your vain and empty business jargon into the right rhetoric that moves people to action. Action is the only KPI that matters to Conor.

JOHN Zimmer
My friendship with John also dates back to 2010. We met at a Toastmasters conference in Porto, Portugal. Two years later, we launched the first public speaking board game in the world – RHETORIC. John and I also published a book together that is currently available in German and Russian – Der TED Effekt. John is the author of the internationally acclaimed blog on public speaking, Manner of Speaking. As a former lawyer, he comes from the rhetorical trenches. And his big passion in life, improv theater, adds a special flavor to all of his training sessions.

OLIVIA Schofield
Olivia and I also met in 2010. At a Toastmasters conference in Barcelona. What a year! On 29 May 2012, our common fate took a huge turn. Olivia launched her brainchild Spectacular Speaking. She invited several top speakers to join her for a one-day public speaking workshop in Poznan, Poland. Ever since we have been inseparable. Olivia’s versatile background – professional dancer, circus artist, show producer at BBC, professional speaker – makes her a unique speaker and trainer. Her specialty is to make you find your own voice. And we are not talking about volume here.

TOBIAS Rodrigues
O wonder, o wonder! Tobias and I met in 2010. He joined one of my first training sessions in Spanish in Barcelona. When he started his first speech with the words “Los tres castillos de arena de mi vida…” – the three sandcastles of my life – I knew I had to become his friend. Tobias wore a black robe of priesthood for nine years. But life challenged him to find new paths. And he found them. Today, Tobi is a game-changer for teams. He builds badass teams. It’s not only a slogan. He does build badass teams. No meaningless team-building activities, but hardcore depth, tears, and sweat. If you are looking for a first-class team builder, Tobi is your first call.

TONY Anagor
Finally, I knew someone before 2010… Tony is one of the most charismatic human beings I know. When he opens his mouth, everyone listens. His low pitch in combination with his exceptionally extensive experience of life makes Tony’s ethos go through the roof. Entrepreneur, leadership coach, guest professor – you name it. In 2020, Tony found his biggest professional passion, to date: Emotionally intelligent negotiation. He co-created an online-offline training program that will boost your negotiation skills beyond imagination. Talk to Tony. But be warned. You will not escape from his charisma.