December 2, 2022 fm

Kathrin Sauter, VP Corporate Marketing & Communications

Imagine you're sitting in a room with a group of communication experts and all you hear is silence... That might come across as strange because communication people usually love to chatter. But what if I tell you it was “fascinated silence”. You never heard of that expression? Me neither. But during our two-day charisma-boosting session with Flo, I had the pleasure to experience this unfamiliar “sound” several times. Working with Flo is an absolute pleasure! The way he trains you in the magical art of public speaking and brings it to life is unique. When Flo sends and receives and transmits information with all his senses, no one in the room has a chance not to be focused. In a training, it's normal that you lose concentration after a while and your thoughts start to take little excursions to somewhere else, right? NOT A SINGLE CHANCE! The moment you enter the room with Flo, you're there – climbing your way up that mountain without a peak. A great experience that I can only recommend! I'll definitely be back with my team for round number two.