December 21, 2011 fm

A Daring New Year’s Resolution: Dare To Dare More

This week I watched Invictus. The two lines I remember best are the two last lines of Nelson Mandela’s (Morgan Freeman) letter entitled ‘Invictus’ to François Pienaar (Matt Damon):

“I’m the master of my fate. I’m the captain of my soul.”

Every year we claim to be masters of our fate. Every year we pretend to be captains of our soul. Every year we announce novel New Year’s resolutions. The smoking resolution, the weight resolution, the sports resolution – all gone with the wind by the end of January.

This year I want to encourage you to walk another path of resolution. Walk the path of self-confidence! When you walk this trail you will doubtlessly grow as a person. Self-confidence – what a wonderful and valuable gift! You just have to unwrap it. You will radiate more charisma, you will achieve more in your job, you will even be able to flirt more effectively.

You are the master of your fate. You are the captain of your soul.

Dare to dare more in 2012!


Here’s a list of 11 activities you can do in 2012 to boost your self-confidence:

  1. Speak much louder in meetings than you normally would.
  2. Look your colleagues straight into their eyes when you talk to them.
  3. Ask your colleagues for positive and constructive feedback: “What could I have done better?”
  4. Make three cold calls to prospects every week.
  5. Stand up every time you present (in front of groups of 5+).
  6. Volunteer to do an internal presentation in your department/company.
  7. Write a poem for the groom and the bride and read it out loud at a wedding.
  8. Join a Toastmasters club nearby.
  9. Go and sing in sleazy Karaoke bars.
  10. Attend a public speaking seminar.
  11. Join an improv theatre group.


I wish you a super self-confidence boosting year 2012!

Rhetorically yours,

Florian Mueck
Comfort Zone Blaster

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