February 10, 2013 fm

INTRINSIC The Series: Optimism

Maybe the following phrases are not part of the script of the CEO’s annual motivational Christmas speech.  But don’t you hear them sometimes in smaller meetings or on the hallways of your company?

  • I think we won’t reach our goals this year.
  • All our efforts are useless. Whatever we do – in the end nothing will change in this company.
  • If we had better people, we could succeed in the market.

Realism is Valium for motivating people.  Pessimism is poison for motivating people.  And while realism might still be an accurate or even wise attitude in certain situations, pessimism is nothing but destructive and pathetic.  There’s only one path you can make your people walk willingly; and that is the path of optimism.

In my seminars I deal with all three groups of people.  I learned that working with optimists is a blast.  Working with realists is a challenge.  Working with pessimist is frustrating.

If you want to motivate your team, add some water to your glass. It can never be half-empty.  Or do you remember Barack Obama shouting at his people, No, we can’t?

Of course, not!

Personality traits are deeply rooted.  A lot of your coding happens between the age of zero and three.  But – what you cannot do is wonder why you have difficulties with moving people to action.  It’s not them.  It’s you!  Motivation happens with sunshine, not with rain.  Motivation happens with a smile, not with a sad face.  Motivation happens in the club, not in the traffic-jam.

Whoever you are today, be more optimistic tomorrow!


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