May 22, 2013 fm

To A Special Friend

Yesterday, I gave my 39th manual speech at my beloved Toastmasters Club Prestigious Speakers Barcelona. It was a project from the Advanced Communication Series “Special Occasion Speeches”. My task: to present an award in three to four minutes.

I took advantage of the occasion and presented a special award to a special friend.

Here’s what I said…

Tonight is a special night.

Tonight is a special night because I present a special award to a special friend.

When is a friend a special friend?

A friend is special when you love to spend time with him.

A friend is special when you can share with him your deepest emotions.

And above all, a friend is special when he’s there for you when you need him the most.

I present this award tonight to one of my best friends. I present it to one of your best friends. I present this award to our club, our beloved club Prestigious Speakers Barcelona.

And don’t we all love to spend time with this special friend?

For eight years I’ve attended every single meeting I could. I sacrificed business meetings. I postponed dinners with other friends. I even skipped Champions League semi final games of Barça!

Our special friend has also a social side… Puig de la Balma! Memories, memories, memories – fading away in the mist [blob] of time.

Don’t we all love to spend time with our special friend?

And don’t we all share our deepest emotions with our special friend?

What about Rose sharing her heartbreaking story about her best friend Mercé?

What about Carol Ann moving us with her moving speeches?

What about Julia appealing to the emotions of an emotional Jesús only days ago?

Don’t we all share our deepest emotions with our special friend?

And isn’t our special friend there for us when we need him the most?

He was certainly there for me when I was hitting the base on my economical rollercoaster ride three years ago. Then he was there for me. I longed to be with him. He let me smile. He gave me hope. He encouraged me to endure and to take one more step beyond failure.

Some of you need him too. Today more than ever.

Isn’t our special friend there for us when we need him the most?

Prestigious Speakers is a special friend because we love to spend time with him.

Prestigious Speakers is a special friend because we can share with him our deepest emotions.

Prestigious Speakers is a special friend because he’s there for us when we need him the most.

For all these reasons I’m honored to present this special award tonight to our special friend – Good, Better, Prestigious Speakers Barcelona – for the sixth time in a row President’s Distinguished club!

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