
My signature training for corporates. We dedicate two full days to the scientific art of persuasive communication. Groups of 6 to 10 learn by doing and give and receive tons of positive and constructive feedback.

For those who cannot get enough… Part 2. More charisma boosting, more training, more feedback.

Push Your Pitch, the online course is a powerhouse of rhetoric for anyone who wants to sell an idea. In a 7+1-step process, you will build a rock-solid pitch for your idea.

Also consider booking the one-on-one Push Your Pitch service, where we work together for four hours to prepare for your upcoming speech or presentation. I’ll guide you step-by-step through the preparation process. As a result, you will have tackled the following challenges: audience-speaker-subject, objective, message, relevance, and structure. On top, you will receive valuable tips on memorable content.

“Florian inspired our top leaders with his high energy and reflections on leadership and change – a highlight of our leadership conference!” — Volker Zöller, President Consumer Goods, Essity. More info.

Collaborating with an amazing assembly of fellow speakers and trainers, we can create tailor-made multiple coach formats for individual training needs.

Viessmann, CMS, Bofrost*, and other esteemed companies chose Barcelona for a unique training and team-building experience. The feedback was outstanding, and based on this success, I’m excited to announce the expansion of inbound training sessions in Barcelona in 2024. More info.

How are you currently conveying your corporate culture? And if you’re doing it successfully, are you selecting the right messages and channels? Are you winning the battle for Gen Z? Truly? Since 2017, I’ve had the privilege of knowing one of the world’s most effective online marketing gurus, Chris Erthel. Chris is a powerhouse in navigating Meta, Facebook, Insta & Co. By partnering with Chris and you, we can not only define your higher purpose and actionable values but also ensure that you communicate them in the most impactful ways possible. More info.

Made For You: Open Sessions

CHARISMA BOOSTER 1 (OPEN TRAINING), 4-5 March 2025, Berlin

The Maschinenraum is an ecosystem for the German ‘Mittelstand.’ Initiated by my brand buddy Max Viessmann, today more than 80 companies share and innovate and create and learn and evolve together. In this exclusive open format, you can join my signature training without being a member of the Maschinenraum community. This edition will be in German. Contact me for more information.


BUFFALO LEADERSHIP RETREAT, 12-15 May 2025, Sitges (Barcelona)

Cows flee from storms, intensifying their pain, while buffalos charge into the storm. Which are you—a cow or a buffalo? Conor Neill and I, seasoned collaborators in leadership and charismatic communication, have dedicated over a decade to our shared pursuit. Our mission: to forge a painful pilgrimage of personal evolution for people who go all in. Now, we combine our rhetorical prowess, delivering an unparalleled leadership boot camp in a distinctive setting near Barcelona. Welcome to the Buffalo Leadership Retreat, where evolution awaits. More info.


CHARISMA BOOSTER 1 (MEMBERS ONLY), 17-18 June 2025, Berlin

The Maschinenraum is an ecosystem for the German ‘Mittelstand.’ Initiated by my brand buddy Max Viessmann, today more than 80 companies share and innovate and create and learn and evolve together. Only members of the Maschinenraum can join this training. This edition will be in English. Contact me for more information.


CHARISMA BOOSTER 1 (OPEN TRAINING), 7-8 October 2025, Berlin

The Maschinenraum is an ecosystem for the German ‘Mittelstand.’ Initiated by my brand buddy Max Viessmann, today more than 80 companies share and innovate and create and learn and evolve together. In this exclusive open format, you can join my signature training without being a member of the Maschinenraum community. This edition will be in German. Contact me for more information.


CHARISMA BOOSTER 2 (MEMBERS ONLY), 20-21 November 2025, Berlin

The Maschinenraum is an ecosystem for the German ‘Mittelstand.’ Initiated by my brand buddy Max Viessmann, today more than 80 companies share and innovate and create and learn and evolve together. Only members can join this second part of the Charisma Booster. More public speaking, more rhetoric, more feedback – your charisma will go through the roof. This edition will be in German. Contact me for more information.


SPECTACULAR SPEAKING 14, 25-26 September 2025, Berlin

It will be the 14th time that my good friends and fellow public speaking professionals Olivia Schofield, John Zimmer, Peter Zinn, and me come together. The configuration of four trainers and eight participants creates a truly unique public speaking training experience. Four different styles, four different careers, one goal: your personal evolution. More info.